PHPLD Template Tutorial – Part 1

First, we look at the directory structure of a template and what each template file do. Each PHPld template generally contains the same files. I am not sure what some of the template files do though; they are probably for the pay-for-links version.

TemplateName/ – name of your template

images/ – store images
style/ – store css scripts
add_reciprocal.tpl –
article.tpl – article content page
article_search.tpl – article listing on search pages
articlelink.tpl – individual link block on browse pages
author.tpl – author profile page
banned_submit.tpl – user banned from submitting links message
category_search.tpl – category listing on search pages
category_select.tpl –
category_select_article.tpl –
category_tree.tpl –
contact.tpl – contact us page
detail.tpl – link detail page
footer.tpl – footer module
header.tpl – header module
index.html – unauthorized access page
left_side.tpl – left column content
link.tpl – listing of links in search pages
login.tpl – login form module
main.tpl – main layout of browse pages
page.tpl – not sure
pagerank.tpl – not sure
payment.tpl – not sure
paypal.tpl – not sure
profile.tpl – registration and account pages
readme.txt – template info
right_side.tpl – right column content
rss2.tpl – rss page
rules.tpl – article submission rules
screenshot.png – screenshot seen in admin
search.tpl – advanced search page
submit.tpl – link submit form
submit_article.tpl – article submit form
top_bar.tpl – menu
unauthorized.tpl – error messages

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