SF: Prop P – Changing the Composition of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board

Shall the City change the size and composition of the Transportation Authority Board and encourage the Authority to use City agencies and departments to perform staff functions, to obtain expert financial review before adopting Authority budgets, and to adopt the same ethics and public records laws that apply to City agencies?

When I first read this proposition, I thought this was just a power grab by politicians. But after further looking into the actual meat of the legal text, I still think this is a power grab by politicians.

However, something caught my eye. The mayor was one of the major backers of the NextBus service. I use the service in my daily life. It has saved me a ton of time in the mornings and after work. No longer do I have to stand and wait 30 minutes at a time. It is a awesome service. If the new board can come up with more beneficial ideas like NextBus then I do not see a problem of giving them the chance.

Yes, I am a greedy and selfish sob.

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