
SF: Prop A – San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Earthquake Safety Bonds, 2008

To ensure the availability of San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center in the event of a natural disaster or emergency, by building and/or rebuilding and improving the earthquake safety of the hospital and to pay related costs necessary or convenient for the foregoing purposes, shall the City and County of San Francisco issue $887,400,000 in general obligation bonds subject to independent oversight and regular audits?

Turns out there is a state law (SB 1953) that requires hospitals to meet certain seismic safety standards by 2013 or have their acute facilities downgraded to non-acute status. The definition of acute care is “short-term medical treatment, usually in a hospital, for patients having an acute illness or injury or recovering from surgery.” (Answers.com)

The San Francisco General Hospital is the only hospital in the city that have these facilities. Unfortunately, the hospital is unable to retrofit the current buildings thereby requiring bonds to build a new acute facility on the current hospital grounds.
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SF: Prop A – School Parcel Tax

The June 3 elections are almost upon us. Time to read up on the various propositions on the ballot before doing the deed.

Starting off with Proposition A:

To enhance quality educational programs for children; attract and retain quality teachers and staff by increasing salaries; provide teachers with additional compensation for extra work at hard-to-staff schools and in hard-to-fill subject areas; and increase teacher training, resources and classroom support, technology, innovation, and accountability, shall the San Francisco Unified School District be authorized to levy $198 per parcel annually, adjusted for inflation, with mandatory citizen oversight?

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SF: Prop A – Clean and Safe Neighborhood Park Bonds, 2008

To my surprise, there are a couple of bonds measures that affect the residents of San Francisco to be voted on along with the primaries and State propositions.

Proposition A calls for issuing general obligation bonds worth $185,000,000 to be used to improve and repair the City’s public parks. This bond is the first step in the City’s 10-year Capital plan to renovate and retrofit the City’s infrastructure; the plan was passed by the voters last year. The funds generated from the bonds will be used in the following ways:
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