Tonight’s election results had absolutely no surprises; the turnout for the election was decent for a summer deal.
California Propositions
Prop. 98: Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property. Constitutional Amendment. failed with 2,091,890 (61%) NO votes to the 1,342,655 (39%) YES votes. Rent control remains intact.
Prop. 99: Eminent Domain. Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence. Constitutional Amendment. passed with 2,129,247 (62%) YES votes compared with 1,282,763 (38%) NO votes making things a little bit more difficult for the government to take homes using eminent domain.
San Francisco Propositions
Prop. A: School Parcel Tax passed with 80,009 (70%) YES votes compared with 34,692 (30%) NO votes. The teachers will receive the raises they desperately need.
Prop B: Changing Qualifications for Retiree Health and Pension Benefits and Establishing a Retiree Health Care Trust Fund passed with 81,800 (74%) YES votes compared with 29,410 (26%) NO votes. The City can now curtail the irresponsible spending on retirement benefits.
Prop. C: Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits for Conviction of a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude in Connection with City Employment passed with 62,505 (57%) YES votes opposed to the 47,371 (43%) NO votes. City employees will now lose out on their benefits if they commit a crime.
Prop. D: Appointments to City Boards and Commissions passed with 63,438 (59%) YES votes and 44,534 (41%) NO votes. The makeup of City boards and commissions must now meet the diversity of the community they oversee.
Prop. E: Requiring Board of Supervisors’ Approval of Mayor’s Appointments to the Public Utilities Commission and Creating Qualifications for Commission Members passed with 56,779 (53%) YES votes compared to 51,052 (47%) NO votes. PUC appointees must now meet a set of minimum qualifications before being approved.
Prop. F: Affordable Housing Requirement for the Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard Mixed-Use Development Project failed with 68,881 (62%) NO votes against 42,151 (38%) YES votes. The Chris Daly backed plan to increase the number of affordable housing to 50% is a failure.
Prop. G: Mixed-Use Development Project for Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard passed with 67,484 (61%) YES votes compared to 42,544 (39%) NO votes. The passing of the proposition gives the City the public’s vote of confidence in the development plan outlined by the Lennar Corp.
Prop. H: Prohibiting Elected Officials, Candidates, or Committees They Control from Soliciting or Accepting Contributions from Certain City Contractors passed with 71,658 (67%) YES votes against 35,942 (33%) NO votes. City officials will no longer be able to accept campaign donations from City contractors who’ve received contracts from their group.
Looks like I missed the mark on Prop. F and Prop G. otherwise I would of gotten a clean sweep in my predictions. Looks like the City wants to get started on developing the southwest area instead of waiting for a new plan to be drawn up.