Election Ruminations and Predictions

We are on the eve of Election Day. After much deliberation and consultation with the Oracle (a magic 8-ball), I am set on how I will vote tomorrow in the polls. The only decision left is on when I will vote–early in the morning or immediately after work.

Primary Election

Democratic Party
Obama’s message of change really resonates with what I am currently looking for in a candidate at this time. Edwards resigned and Clinton seems to flip-flop on a lot on issues.
Vote: Obama
Prediction: Clinton

Republican Party
McCain is running away with this one.
Vote: Republican Party does not let unaffiliated voters vote
Prediction: McCain

California Propositions

Prop 91: Transportation Funds
The proposition fills a few holes left over from Proposition 1A.
Vote: Yes
Prediction: Yes

Prop 92: Community Colleges Funding
The current system of having colleges determine the use of their own funds is how it should be. I am not going to be fooled by a per unit cap.
Vote: No
Prediction: Yes

Prop 93: Limits on Legislators’ Terms in Office
Having term limits is never a good thing; but, using a proposition to prolong your current position by an extra dozen years is not cool.
Vote: No
Prediction: No

Prop 94-97: Indian Gaming Compact
If the propositions did not try to wiggle it’s way out of the California Environmental Quality Act, I would have voted yes.
Vote: No
Prediction: Yes

San Francisco Propositions

Prop A: Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks
Having clean and safe neighborhood parks benefits everyone. If you are for children and pets then you should vote YES on Proposition A.
Vote: Yes
Prediction: Yes

Prop B: New Deferred Retirement Option Program for SFPD
Creating an additional retirement program for the SFPD to smooth the transition between leaders without raising taxes is a winner.
Vote: Yes
Prediction: Yes

Prop C: Acquire and Convert Alcatraz Island to a Global Peace Center
Tearing down a historical landmark gets my stamp of disproval.
Vote: No
Prediction: No

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