
Open Flash Chart

In an earlier blog entry where I spoke about moving hosts, I mentioned using Chris Heilmann’s Canvas Pie Chart in some way. Unfortunately, I never got around to digging into the code to create something for Frobie.

However, while browsing through SourceForge for cool scripts, I found another option for my graph creations. The option turned out to be an open-source flash script created by John Glazebrook called Open Flash Chart.
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Flash: Vector TDX Game Review

Vector TDX developed by David Scott and the WDDG
Vector TDX developed by David Scott and the WDDG

I got wind of this flash game late last year and spent an exorbitant amount of time playing it. The goal of the game is to destroy the spinny things before they reach the end. Each spinner that reaches the end cost one life point. The game starts you off with just twenty. Later on, there are opportunities to gain more life but at the cost of other benefits. For each spinner destroyed, money is added to your bank. With the money, new weapons can be purchased or old cans can be upgraded to increase its range and damage.
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What is a Frobie?

Frobie.com has gone through an array of changes since its conception. Originally, I envisioned Frobie to become the primary competitor against this free after rebate site. I was looking for a name that was short and easy to remember. Freebie was taken, but I felt I was on the right track. Freebie led to frebie which led to frobie and thus, Frobie.com was born!

I quickly threw a site together and signed up for one of those associate programs. It’s been awhile, the program may be defunct by now. I would spend every free minute scouring the ad wires looking for free after rebate deals. Over time, this became tedious and time-consuming.
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